Thursday, 20 March 2014

A History of Computers and Games: Part Two (Don't mention the war.)

There is a peculiar constant in the history of human kind, which states that when engaged in warfare our technology develops exponentially. I'd imagine it's because during those times of hardship you can afford to engage in these kind of activities while the public are two busy to worry about what Governmental death rays are being produced. It's safe to say though most premier technology development of the modern is tied up in the arms races of the past. Even when we aren't expressively designing new and exciting ways to kill each other the technology we use often had a military use somewhere along the line. On that note lets talk a little about a very significant piece of technology from World War 2: Reich Harder.
Konrad Zuse (A German) With the Z3
In the 1930's there were various computers being concepted and thrown into development but for now I want to talk about Konrad Zuse an engineering student at the University of Berlin. A man concerned less with the political aspects of the time when it was all most could concentrate on and more on a device used to negate the humdrum of repetitive calculation in his line of work. Sounding familiar? We've more or less hit the point where technology had caught up to the insane hopefulness of Charles Babbage. In 1936 he quite his job and devoted himself to the production of this machine. His baby was named the Z1 and was remarkable in a number of ways like nothing of it's kinda before it had a binary method of operation. It had a keyboard for the input of instruction, memory, and something akin to a central processor. He didn't stop here though Z2 his next build he switched out the memory to a more effective system and replaced the input mechanism from a keyboard to strips of punched paper tape. And would you believe it the son of gun worked. 

Here's an interesting if not slightly horrible hypothetical for you though. Zuse made a friend shortly after his production of the Z2 a certain Herr Schreyer who happaned to be writing a thesis in electrical engineering. The two came to a conclusion that if you could replace the relays in the machine with valves that it would operate significantly past its current capacity. At the time it wasn't practical but had enough effort been put in, maybe it could have happened. Now if Germany at the time had possession of a computer of this design, well that would have had a significant impact on the outcome of the war. Of course at the time they were too busy blitzkrieging their way across Europe to really care, the investment seemed unnecessary considering Hitler thought the war all but won by 1940.
Of course that didn't happen. Britain's own expertise in the areas of code making and breaking made sure of that. And it's developments like these that pushed technological advancements to the point that we could start on much more important things. You know like games and stuff.

   Have you ever stopped to think what the appeal to all this gaming stuff is? I'm sure plenty of people have their own personal opinions on it, hell some people hate gaming but here's the thing. Almost as soon as computers were capable of containing what could be considered a “game” someone went and did it. Even though gaming as an entity didn't actually exist yet.
It's great to think that somewhere between using this new and exciting technology to bomb people and finding out how to transmit gratuitous nude imagery world wide. Someone thought. “Hey, lets do something fun.” I say this, actually said guy did create a radar display for an experimental bomber, essentially making him a merchant of death. On the flip side though he did help to found the nuclear nonproliferation group so he can't have been all that bad.
Enter stage right Willy Higinbotham. Now this bloke after mucking around with all these radars for so long. You know generally trying to do something useful for humanity. Well he clocked on that he could take one of his radars and turn it into something else. You know get people excited about, how relevant science is...Ironic considering one of the arguments against gaming is how irrelevant and pointless it is.

Tennis for Two is arguably the first game ever created and when the public got their hands on it at Brookhaven lab's visitors day they went mental for it. Or as mental as people could get in the 1950's. Though strangely enough as popular as this game was it didn't really kick off until some years later with new incarnations of the game. But here we had it, a piece of technology purely for the purposes of one persons entertainment and procrastination, and that my friends, is a beautiful thing.  

Tennis for Two Interface


Evans, C. (1981.) The Making of the Micro - A History of the Computer. Victor Gollancz LTD.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Babe With the Power

   Ain't thrown any life drawing up on here in a while. Which is a shame I tend to look forward to it after all and I think it's where some of my best work gets produced. So I figured it might be worth taking a look at some of the stuff we've been up to recently. We've had a fair few new approaches thrown at us and it takes a lot of will power to suck it up when it goes wrong. Thankfully though a couple o' weeks back we got to start using either watercolour or ink. Now when I was doing life drawing back in college 90 percent of the work I produced was with ink. The only difference was I only use black for a sort of tonal effect whereas we've been getting to play around with colour.

   Really enjoyed getting to do this kinda stuff again though it might just be because I'm comfortable doing it but in any case what came next was a little more awkward. Inspired by Matisse we had to nuke a few sheets of paper with emulsion paint and then try and recreate both scene and figure with a collage. Which is more stressful than it sounds let me tell you. I mean it's fun once you can get out of the mindset that you don't know what you're doing and the results gonna be awful because of it. Thing is as well they didn't look half bad all my class did a great job despite the fact we were basically pissing and moaning the whole time. Just goes to show we should probably keep an open mind.


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

A History of Computers and Games: Part One - The Difference Engine

   The first time computers rocked up in history might surprise you. You can date rudimentary mechanisms with a thin but arguable definition as computers as early as the 1800's. Though some might be considered calculators which muddies the waters somewhat. For now though, it's these counting machines that I'm going to discuss. Why? Because mathematicians are an untrustworthy breed and a natural enemy of the creative. So my long term plan is to learn their knowledge gain their trust and destroy them from the inside, but for now I've got a blog post to write.
 Charles Babbage, a maths hound of some renown is as good a place as any to start this little foray into a very brief history of computers and gaming. Turns out the man spent a great deal of his time getting wound up by errors of mathematics in various published works. Some of these on account of this particular brand of mathematics would eventually lead to an incredible array of inaccuracy when it came to the final result. He decided, as will our robot overlords of the future, that a machine could do a better job. The idea for Difference Engine was born. A lot of money and a lot of time got invested into this little do dad so it's a pity that the inherent complexity of the thing meant it never actually worked.
Most people would give up by this point but not Mr. Babbage, no, he went one better. Starting on the design of the Analytical engine which had it been completed would have been the first ever programmable computer, using punch cards believe it or not you would have been able to instruct the computer on what it was supposed to be doing. Most importantly though it actually had a degree of functions that made it very similar to the general build of a modern day computer. Part calculated numbers very similar to a processor does now. A way to input instructions which I previously mentioned. As well as a control unit to make sure the machine was tackling tasks in the correct order and a type of memory where it could contain numbers which were waiting for their turn to be dealt with. He also planned on using steam to power the engine which I don't really have to tell you is absolutely mental. Regardless of this though the man had a insatiable and ridiculous capacity for dreaming of these possibility’s. You don't whether pay him a compliment or give him a straight jacket.

Now I probably don't have to tell you on account of the already apparent impracticality of the Difference Engine that it's hypothetical big brother the Analytical was never actually built. I mention it anyway since from a purely intellectual stand point this is where it began. The concept of computers and this man dared to dream. Just a shame no one bar a few actually understood the significance of his insane idea. Well c'est la vie.  

The Analytical Engine


Evans, C. (1981.) The Making of the Micro - A History of the Computer. Victor Gollancz LTD.